Our good friends came to stay during the Half Term break and it was A's birthday, so my daughter and I cooked up this little treat.
It was supposed to be a Victoria sandwich, but little E said 'I only like chocolate cake'. We'd already done a three egg sponge batter (using Hugh F-W's method: weigh the eggs and use the same weight of SR flour, butter and caster sugar), so just sieved in some Green and Black's Cocoa Powder, put it in the oven and rustled up some chocolate butter cream.
A was delighted to receive this for her 39th birthday - I could tell she particularly liked the ballerina on the top!
While I'm here I'm going to show you some of the other birthday cakes I've made. They're definitely not particularly perfect or immaculate, but they're pretty funny....this one was for my daughter's Puppy Party - her 8th birthday:
This was for my son's 8th birthday (yes, they both love chocolate buttercream icing unfortunately, it's got to be one of the unhealthiest things in the world.)
Oh look, there's the ballerina again, with some rather melting Maltesers!
This one's looking fairly understated...just candles, flakes, mini stars and writing.

This one is a scary-looking hedgehog - those chocolate fingers kept falling off:
This was for my daughter's 'Fashion Party' - heart shaped cake with loads of Barbie shoes and a tiara on top.
....and another hedgehog cake - that's what my son wants every year - it looks kind of like a rat.
There, I feel that I've really 'shared' with you all. Perhaps I should submit them to http://www.cakewrecks.com/ - no actually, I don't think they're good enough for that - the cakes on that site are actually amazingly made - these are just proper Mummy made chocolate-fest, unhealthy but fun, messy cakes.
Hedgehog cake gets my vote. Almost a 'cakewreck', but not quite. yum!
These all look wonderful cakes and I dispute the unhealthiness of them. Use good quality 70% or more chocolate, butter, free range eggs - all good for you (as long as you don't eat too much), just the sugar that is the problem - hum!
Hi Choclette - they're pretty much all made with Green and Black's chocolate / cocoa, our own definitely free range, organic eggs from the back garden (which reminds me, I must do a posting featuring my chooks v soon) and whatever butter I have to hand, but they are SO calorific - but hey, as a treat and part of a mixed diet, everyone should definitely eat chocolate cake. I know you'll agree....
Mummy made choc fest cakes are the best in the world and I love those hedgehogs.
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